Our mission is to help seniors stay in their homes and remain active in their communities for as long as possible. We accomplish this through meaningful volunteering. Our volunteers make a difference in the lives of our members by providing Cape-wide transportation, social visits and computer help, and handling odd jobs around the home. Many of our volunteers create connections and friendships with our members. Our members come from all walks of life and have wonderful stories to tell.
Nauset Neighbors
Is an all-volunteer, 501 (c)(3), nonprofit, charitable organization with no paid staff
Provides services to more than 300 members living in these Cape Cod towns: Brewster, Chatham, Eastham, Harwich, Orleans and Wellfleet
Was founded in 2009
Is a member of the Village to Village Network
Our Board of Directors
Acting President
Andrea Hanson
Vice President & Director of Outreach
Jae Fisher
Vice President & Director of Volunteer Management
Bob Nolan
John Shaw
Andrea Hanson
Director of Member Management
Marcie Truesdale
Director Call Management & Assistant Director of Member Management
Kathy Glifort
Director of Social Committee
Sally Bullard
Member at Large
Marjory Klein
Assistant Director of Outreach
Robert Hamilton
Christine Shreves